Friday, February 11, 2011

Celebrating Amazing Flowers

SO I have decided to take the word and image of flowers and create things that reflect flowers. I have always been truly amazed at flowers... like how perfect are they.. the symetry is perfect, the colours are absolutely beautiful and then on top of it they smell - like roses are so perfect in smell - well i think. Maybe i am I am just a old sentimental! oh well.. I am just awestruck at flowers and when all is fruitless I just smell the roses and for that moment I am in heaven..anyway here are a couple of jewelry pieces created as a celebration of flowers.


Anonymous said...


Catherine said...

Simply beautiful. Blessings, Catherine

Split Rock Ranch said...

Love them!

Thank you for hosting my EC ad.

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Lovely!! Is the first pic of earrings?? I love the silver with the red stone and the etchings!