I might have a rest next month? But we do have a winner for mighty August , generated by random integra.
The lucky gal is
Karen - she left this comment - I would love to win these pretty earrings.
Well Karen You have won a gemstone ring and not the holey earrings.
Thank you so much everyone. The giveaways are a little fun .....I just wish I was Santa Claus and could give away thousands..xoxo... Happy Creating Everyone and if you dont create objects just create passions :)
A photo of a little creation that I recently did.. It is not in the shop because I am still working this design out. This is like a prototype. Design is the solutions of little problems. The problem with this ring is the plate used in the dish is a little too thin so back to making it but with thicker plate and yet to get that delicate look and not a too chunky look.. I will post the new ring when it is done!? Sorry my morning rave:)Best Trudie xo
I've been browsing entrecard blogs and just had to leave a comment. I've seen your blog button on many occassions but never clicked - I just wasn't certain who you were or what you did. To be honest, the button doesn't grab much attention. I'm SO GLAD I clicked this time! You're work is absolutely fabulous!!! I'd love to see your button with a photo of your work - just a suggestion ;-) You're a wonderful artist!
Thank you so much for your comment. Yes that button needs to be redone immediately.
I do have a graphic design person I just got to get her to redo it.
I am glad you clicked onto the button anyway.
Best :)
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